Author: timothuney
Alien: Covenant Review | Prometheus Evolved
Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair! Man. I’m not even sure where to begin. Having just got back from seeing Ridley Scott’s third installment in his Alien franchise, the overriding impression is that Covenant is the film Prometheus tried to be. That’s not to say Prometheus is a bad film. I wrote a…
Prometheus Revisited | Life, Longing, and the Search for Truth
I remember when I first saw the Prometheus trailer. That massive ship, the striking visuals, hell raining down from the sky as the title faded into view across the screen. It was like nothing I had seen before, and I was instantly sold. I’d never seen any of the Alien films at that point, but…
Ori and the Blind Forest Review | Mario Meets Ghibli
One of the hardest parts of growing up is being forced to find the time for all the things you want to (or should) do. You feel pulled in a million different directions, and each option feels just as important as the one before it and the one after. Indecision becomes the bane of your…